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Ro-Star saves precious time and money by reductions in inventory, lead time, and number of suppliers. Ro-Star is your Strategic Sourcing Specialist.

Global sourcing with our strategic outsourcing system enables us to provide customers with high quality products at the most competitive prices by manufacturing in China.

  • Most Competitive Bidding: We have Asian sourcing facilities in China from Shanghai to Ningbo, to several locations in Guangdong. We also have manufacturing sites in Taiwan and Vietnam.

  • Superior Quality: We stand behind the quality of the work we source. If the product does not meet the standards of the pre-production samples we deliver – it is our problem. We take the worry out of quality control.

  • Eliminate Liability: By working with a U.S. company, you will not incur the legal liability of working with a foreign company. We also eliminate currency issues.

  • Product Confidentiality: By placing products from several of our customers at the same Asian company, our suppliers are aware that commitments will be lost if there is a violation of our customer's confidentiality agreements.

Inquiries as to why it is more cost effective to utilize our specialized sourcing services as opposed to purchasing directly?

During domestic company negotiations with an Asian supplier, they rarely get the best price. Sophisticated companies realize that sourcing products manufactured in China is far more complex than just sourcing to offshore facilities that make products for you.

Take the following into consideration when developing a strategic sourcing plan:

  • Achieving the best possible price requires local knowledge of the business culture. We have a host of Asian personnel familiar with this approach.

  • Quality control is critical to successful Asian sourcing. We align with companies of proven track records regarding quality.

  • Ro-Star is proud of developing highly experienced sourcing personnel, along with a network of reliability and some of the most cost effective manufacturers in China.

  • Utilizing these tactics will assist you with the efficiency of your supply chain system.


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